C Shell Continuation C Shell Line Continuation

What is a Shell Script?

  • A shell script is an executable file which contains shell commands. The script acts as a "program" by sequentially executing each command in the file.
  • Each of the 5 common shells has its own scripting language. There are similarities between the languages, but also differences.
  • A scripting language consists of control structures, shell commands, expressions and variables.
  • If a shell script written in a given scripting language must run under the appropriate shell, the first line of the script should specify the shell it must run under. For example, a C shell script should have as the first line:
  • Script files should be given "execute" file permission with the chmod command:
                              chmod u+x myscript                      
  • A simple shell script which will run under any of the 5 shells appears below. This script simply displays a greeting and the date/time. Comments are preceeded with a pound sign (#):
                              #Simple Script      #      echo 'Welcome to the world of script files'      date                      
  • Begin the Shell Scripts Exercises


  • Expressions are statements, composed of constants, variables and operators, which are evaluated to determine a result. Expressions can be either mathematical or logical.

    Example 1: Mathematical expression, where "a" and "t" are variables, "3" and "4" are constants, and "=" and "+" are operators.

                              a  = 3 + 4t                      

    Example 2: Logical expression, which evaluates to either "true" or "false". The string "exit" is a constant, "var" is a variable, and "(", ")" and "==" are operators.

                              ($var == exit)                      
  • Shell scripts commonly use expressions. Each shell has its own rules for writing expressions, however.
  • The C Shell recognizes the following operators, in order of precedence.
                              ()              - parenthesis - change order of evaluation              -              - unary minus/negation              ~              - one's complement              !              - logical negation              %              - remainder              /              - divide              *              - multiply              -              - subtract              +              - addition              >>              - shift right              <<              - shift left              >              - greater than              <              - less than              >=              - greater than or equal              <=              - less than or equal              !=              - not equal to (strings)              ==              - equal to (strings)              &              - bitwise AND                            ^              - bitwise exclusive OR              |              - bitwise inclusive OR              &&              - logical AND              ||              - logical OR                      
  • Continue the Shell Scripts Exercises

Control Structures

Script languages make use of programming control structures, such as "if" statements and "loops". Those for C Shell are described below.


    Used to test an expression and then conditionally execute a command. If the specified expression evaluates true, then the single command with arguments is executed. Command must be a simple command, not a pipeline, a command list, or a parenthesized command list.


                          if (expr) command [arguments]                  
                          #!/bin/csh      if ($#argv == 0) echo There are no arguments                  

    In addition to the C Shell's logical expressions, you can use expressions that return a value based upon the status of a file. For example:

                          if (-e myfile) echo myfile already exists                  
    The possible file status expressions are:
                          d            - file is a directory                        e            - file exists                        f            - file is an ordinary file                        o            - user owns the file                        r            - user has read access to the file                        w            - user has write access to the file                        x            - user has execute access to the file                        z            - file is zero bytes long                              
  • Continue the Shell Scripts Exercises

if / then / else

    Used to test multiple conditions and to execute more than a single command per condition. If the specified expr is true then the commands to the first else are executed; otherwise if expr2 is true then the commands to the second else are executed, etc. Any number of else-if pairs are possible; only one endif is needed. The else part is likewise optional.

    The words else and endif must appear at the beginning of command lines; the if must appear alone on its command line or immediately after an else.


                          if (expr) then          commands       else if (expr2) then          commands       else          commands       endif                  
                          #!/bin/csh      if ($#argv == 0) then           echo "No number to classify"        else if ($#argv > 0) then           set number = $argv[1]           if ($number < 0) then              @ class = 0           else if (0 <= $number && $number < 100) then              @ class = 1           else if (100 <= $number && $number < 200) then              @ class = 2           else              @ class = 3           endif         echo The number $number is in class $class      endif                  
  • Continue the Shell Scripts Exercises

foreach / end

    The foreach statement is a type of loop statement. The variable name is successively set to each member of wordlist and the sequence of commands until the matching end statement are executed. Both foreach and end must appear alone on separate lines.


                          foreach name (wordlist)          commands      end                  
                          #!/bin/csh      foreach color (red orange yellow green blue)         echo $color      end                  

while / end

    The while statement is another type of loop statement. Statements within the while/end loop are conditionally executed based upon the evaluation of the expression. Both while and end must appear alone on separate lines.


                          while (expression)          commands      end                  
                          #!/bin/csh      set word = "anything"      while ($word != "")        echo -n "Enter a word to check (Return to exit): "        set word = $<        if ($word != "") grep $word /usr/share/dict/words      end                  
  • Continue the Shell Scripts Exercises


Used to interrupt the execution of a foreach or while loop. Transfers control to the statement after the end statement, thus terminating the loop. If there are other commands on the same line as a break statement, they will be executed before the break occurs. Multi-level breaks are thus possible by writing them all on one line.

                          #!/bin/csh      foreach number (one two three exit four)        if ($number == exit) then          echo reached an exit          break        endif        echo $number      end                  


Used to interrupt the execution of a foreach or while loop. Transfers control to the end statement, thus continuing the loop. If there are other commands on the same line as a continue statement, they will be executed before the continue occurs.

                          #!/bin/csh      foreach number (one two three exit four)        if ($number == exit) then          echo reached an exit          continue        endif        echo $number      end                  


The goto statement transfers control to the statement beginning with label:

                          goto label                  
                          #!/bin/csh      if ($#argv != 1) goto error1      if ($argv[1] < 6) goto error2      goto OK       error1:        echo "Invalid - wrong number or no arguments"        echo "Quitting"        exit 1       error2:        echo "Invalid argument - must be greater than 5"        echo "Quitting"        exit 1       OK:        echo "Argument = $argv[1]"        exit 1                  

switch / case / breaksw / endsw

    The switch structure permits you to set up a series of tests and conditionally executed commands based upon the value of a string. If none of the labels match before a `default' label is found, then the execution begins after the default label.

    Each case label and the default label must appear at the beginning of a line. The command breaksw causes execution to continue after the endsw. Otherwise control may fall through case labels and default labels. If no label matches and there is no default, execution continues after the endsw.


                          switch (string)      case str1:        commands        breaksw      case str2:        commands        breaksw      ...      default:        commands        breaksw      endsw                  
                          #!/bin/csh      if ($#argv == 0 ) then         echo "No arguments supplied...exiting"         exit 1      else          switch ($argv[1])         case [yY][eE][sS]:           echo Argument one is yes.           breaksw         case [nN][oO]:           echo Argument one is no.           breaksw         default:           echo Argument one is neither yes nor no.           breaksw         endsw      endif                  
  • Continue the Shell Scripts Exercises

Interrupt handling

The onintr statement transfers control when you interrupt (CTRL-C) the shell script. Control is transferred to the statement beginning with label:

Can be useful for gracefully cleaning up temporary files and exiting a program should it be interrupted.

                          onintr  label                  
                          #!/bin/csh      onintr close      while (1 == 1)        echo Program is running        sleep 2      end       close:      echo End of program                  


Miscellaneous tasks for C Shell programming are described below.

Using quotes

    The shell uses both single (') quotes and double (") quotes. They have different effects.

    Single quotes:

    • allow inclusion of spaces
    • prevent variable substitution
    • permit filename generation

    Double quotes:

    • allow inclusion of spaces
    • permit variable substitution
    • permit filename generation

    Example 1: Variable substitution

                          #!/bin/csh      set opt=-l      set x1='ls $opt'      echo $x1      set x2="ls $opt"      echo $x2            Will produce the output:            ls $opt      ls -l                  
    Example 2: Filename generation
                          #!/bin/csh      set ls1='some files: [a-z]*'      echo $ls1       set ls2="some files: [a-z]*"      echo $ls2            Sample output (identical):            some files: csh.html images man misc other.materials      some files: csh.html images man misc other.materials                  

Storing the output of a command

The shell uses backquotes to obtain the output of the command enclosed within the backquotes. This output can be stored within an array variable. Each element can then be indexed and processed as required.

                          set variable = `command`                  
                          #!/bin/csh      set date_fields=`date`      echo $date_fields      echo $date_fields[1]      echo $date_fields[2]      foreach field(`date`)        echo $field      end            Sample output:            Thu Mar 9 22:25:45 HST 1995      Thu      Mar      Thu      Mar      9      22:25:45      HST      1995                  

Reading user input

Depending on your system, you can use either "$<" or the output of the "head -1" command to read stdin into a variable. Note that if you use the "head -1" command, it must be enclosed in backquotes.

Note: Be careful on making sure that you use "$<" and not "<$". The latter case will usually cause your script to fail.

                          set variable = $<           - or -      set variable = `head -1`                  
                          #!/bin/csh      echo -n Input your value:       set input = $<      echo You entered: $input               - or -       #!/bin/csh      echo -n Input your value:       set input = `head -1`      echo You entered: $input                  

This concludes the tutorial. Return to the Table of Contents


Source: http://parallel.vub.ac.be/documentation/linux/unixdoc_download/Scripts.html

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